5 Dimension to Dimensions
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Service Description
Physical Nutrition Mindfulness Spiritual Psychological 5 fundamental principles to succeed 1. It's not all or nothing. Ever. 2. Sustainable change 3. Name the positive 4. Compelling reason 5. Something is always better than nothing Short form 1. JOT just one thing 2. EASE effort affirmation smile energy 3. DETACH don't even think about changing him/ her 4. POOP put oxygen on personally 5. SIN something is Now Notebook for journalism Poster board for vision board markers magazines tape scissors glue newspapers Fruit water 230 purpose. 5 dimensions. Safe confidential. Why have a mission statement. Goals. Journalling. Take care of yourself. 240 introduce yourself. Name a positive. Why? Negative begets negative. Positive begets positive. And a hope/ goal from today. 250 stretch. 5 minutes. Jot? Just 5!! Share reflect 255 journal tangible physical... Nutrition water fruit veggie. Add. Not subtract. 3. Read 5 principles for success handout. And 5 short form. Define discuss reflect. 310 mindfulness. Heart. Health. Stress. Anxiety. Defined. Discuss. Guided meditation for a few 315 journal reflect 320 spiritual gratitude!! Why. Daily mantras help. They work. Naming the positive. Practice. Go around. Gratitude to you. Yourself. A physical. 330 psychological. Discuss a negative message. Mine. Too loud. And... Mean. Not your voice. How has that hurt you. Held you back. Sabotaging your self? What would it take to turn it in to a positive message. Journal. 340-4 begin your tangible 5 part plan. Poster board. 4. -405. Stretch break. Sit up. Pushup. Chair dips. Just 5 minutes. 405-410. Bathroom. Water snack. Deb question time. 415 guided meditation. How do you want to feel. Positive images. Do you believe you deserve to feel good. Happy. 425 share image 430 fear. Sabotage. What do you do to block or sabotage feeling good. How can we trick that...safe guard against that behavior. Do you need it anymore 440 finalize posters journal plan. Time with Deb. Tangible tangible specific details. 450 I know that this is my plan because. I know that I will do this because. Accountability plan. Help. Need. Closing circle. Positive to your self and the person on your right.
Contact Details
6658 Gunpark Dr, Boulder, CO, USA